In some cases, the usual method for enabling debug logging for the AMS may not work as expected. Follow the steps below to enable and capture detailed debug logs effectively.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Switch to the TextPass user:
Run the following command to switch to the TextPass user:
su - textpass
2. Start the AMS with Debug Logging:
The version of AMS installed may vary, so the exact path to the binary may differ. In the following command, replace 'R01.13.01.07' with the version of AMS installed on your system. You can verify the installed version by checking the directory '/opt/TextPass/AMS/'.
To start AMS in debug mode with full logging, execute the following command:
/opt/TextPass/AMS/[Version]/bin/tp_ams --debug=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF --level=0xFF --fg
For example, if your installed version is 'R01.13.01.07', the command would look like:
/opt/TextPass/AMS/R01.13.01.07/bin/tp_ams --debug=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF --level=0xFF --fg
This will output debug log messages to 'stdout' and 'stderr'.
3. Capture Logs to a File:
If you need to save the debug logs to a file for review or further analysis, use the following command with 'nohup'. Remember to update the path based on your version:
nohup /opt/TextPass/AMS/[Version]/bin/tp_ams --debug=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF --level=0xFF --fg &
The logs will now be captured and saved in the 'nohup.out' file located in the current directory. You can use this file for troubleshooting.