There may be cases where you need to verify the system's health, usually after a hardware replacement. This article contains the steps to do a basic LGP system health check.
You need to have VPN access to perform the steps outlined in this article.
To verify that the LGP component is operating correctly, do the following:
- Check the status (as a textpass user).
- Search for any abnormal log report (as a textpass user).
tail –f /var/log/messages
- Check that lgpQueueFiles.0 and lgpQueueSize.0 are decreasing (as a textpass user).
tp_walk --tp_lgp lgpstatus
- Check the disk space (as root user).
df -h
- Display how long the server has been running (as a textpass user).
- Check the CPU usage and RAM “rss” usage (as a textpass user)
ps aux --sort -rss - Check that the mysql service is running (as a textpass user).
service mysql status