This article explains the license throughput limits to handle peaks of traffic.
The throughput licenses for every single server consist of the following limits:
- licComTransactionsPerSec.0: this is a reference to the Commercial License Limit (CLL), the maximum allowed throughput in short messages per second (SM/s). Exceeding this limit will result in license exceeded SNMP traps. No messages are rejected based on this value. The counter licTotalMessagesOverLicenseLimit shows the total number of transactions over CLL since the last textpass restart.
- licMaxTransactionsPerSec.0: this is a reference to the Technical License Limit (TLL), the maximum possible throughput of the RTR in SM/s. Exceeding this limit is not possible, and messages beyond this limit will not be serviced (rejected). This technical license limit is always equal to or greater than the commercial limit (CLL). Exceeding this limit will result in license exceeded SNMP traps. This is the actual limit of the throughput, rejecting all messages above it. The counter licTotalMessagesRejected shows the total number of transactions rejected due to TLL since the last textpass restart.
Only incoming messages are counted with regard to the throughput license. Note that incoming notifications (AT) and incoming status reports (MT), are counted as an incoming message in the license, and SRI-SM-Requests and SRI-SM-Responses are not counted as part of the license.
Another parameter to take into account is amsPropMaxNumberOfMessages, the maximum number of SMS that a single AMS node can hold, including the replicas of another node.
You will find more details in the chapter 21.3.3 Throughput License of the RTR Operator Manual.