When you are trying to complete a transfer from one phone to another, and the files you are transferring have the same name on both the source and the target phone. Hereinbelow you will find a solution to avoid data loss by overwriting files with the same name.
- When you are trying to transfer files with the same name on both phones, and the files on the target end get overwritten due to this name conflict.
- Having access to the device's Software.
- Having the Transfer feature activated in your license.
- (Optional) Having the Wipe feature activated in your license.
Currently, this behavior is intended and when this happens, the software is Functioning as Designed (FAD).
For example, if there’s a picture named ABC.jpg on the source phone, and the exact same name ABC.jpg is used on the target phone as well, in most cases, it will overwrite the existing file on the target phone, regardless of the brand and model of the phone.
To avoid the overwriting of the target device's files, we have 2 workarounds:
- Renaming the files (Either the Source device's files or Target device's files)
- Wipe or factory default the target phone before transferring files.
Renaming the files (Either the Source device's files or Target device's files)
- To rename the files in iOS devices, please follow the Rename files, folders, and disks on Mac Article.
- To rename the files in iOS devices, please follow the How to Rename Files on Android Article.
Bear in mind than renaming a single folder could avoid this problem without the need of renaming all the files within that folder.
Wipe or factory default the target phone before transferring files.
If you count on the Wipe license, it is always a good practice to back up the target phone's data and execute a forensic Wipe on the target device, before making any transfer transaction.
For more information about how to execute a Content Wipe, please check the Content Wipe Feature KB article.
Once you backup the files on the target phone and Wipe the device, you will ensure that there will be no data loss and no files will be overwritten as well.
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