The SFTP is the main method of importing invitation and hierarchy files to ResponseTek. Check here what to do if you are unable to connect to it.
If the connection to the SFTP server was working and stopped suddenly, it could be because of a failure on either the customer side or on the ResponseTek side. Before creating a support ticket, please make some tests to eliminate the most common causes of issues:
- Although it is pretty obvious, check that you have Internet connectivity.
- Execute a ping and a telnet command to check if you can reach out to the ResponseTek survey. If it fails, try to do the same from outside the company network. You can do that by turning off the company VPN if you are outside the office or by connecting a laptop to a cellphone data plan.
- If any of the commands work, try opening your SFTP client and check if it works.
- If the connection succeeds from outside the company network, reach out to the IT team and ask them if something has changed that is preventing you from connecting. Changes in the firewall are a common cause of connectivity loss. Maybe the IT team also has a secondary network that can be used to test the connection.
If all the above fails, raise a support ticket so the support team can check if there is something wrong on the ResponseTek side.
When a customer states that they are unable to connect to the SFTP, make an initial assessment by trying to connect to it yourself. Regardless of the result, escalate the issue to the SaaSOps team so they can evaluate what is happening.
The issue can be considered solved when the connection is successfully established.
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