This article applies when an invitation was meant to be sent to a customer in a phone number but it was actually sent to another number.
In order to check if the phone number that received the invitation for the survey is different than the one in the invitation, do this:
- Take the invitation file that has been imported.
- Find the record with the invitation for the customer.
- Check which phone number was specified.
- If it was the same number that received the invitation and this is the wrong number, the error is in the generation of the file.
- If the number in the invitation file is correct but the customer received the invitation in another number, check previous invitation files. Chances are that another invitation file contained the wrong number for that file.
Once ResponseTek takes the imported files as the source of information, the issue is probably there. If you confirm that some imported file has wrong data, it must be fixed on its origin so that the next time the data is correct.
If you cannot find the wrong phone number associated with this customer in the previously imported files, raise a support ticket so the issue can be analyzed.
If the issue was on the data source, the next time an invitation is generated for this customer it must contain the correct phone number.
If the issue was on ResponseTek, the next time this customer is surveyed the invitation must go to the correct phone number.