At times, you may need to know why a specific phone number has been invited to answer a survey. That might be the case if, for example, you see no interaction registered for it, so there should be no reason to send it a survey. Finding the file that included this number is a way to track the issue to its origin.
One way of finding the invitation file that imported an invitation for that specific phone number is by connecting to the SFTP and looking at the imported files. After invitation files are processed, they are placed in an archive folder, which usually follows this naming pattern: /Incoming/[solution]/Invitations/Archive. Some customers may have archived files stored in a different folder, though. Download these files to your computer and use the operating system search capability to look for the phone number inside the files.
If you are unable to locate the phone number using the method described above, please create a support ticket so support agents can look in the database. They will come back to you as soon as they have an answer.
For most customers, archived files stay in the server for three months before they are deleted. If a customer is looking for a phone number that was invited prior to that, they may not be able to locate the respective file.
In order to search for it in the database, please follow these steps:
- Find out which is the environment used by the customer.
- Connect to the database server of this environment.
Copy this script to the SQL Server Management Studio:
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM tblsession (NOLOCK) s INNER JOIN tblConsumer (NOLOCK) c ON s.consumerID = c.ID WHERE c.phone = '[phone]'
- Replace [phone] with the phone number and run the script.
- The query will return all the sessions for this end customer. To know where the invitation came from, get the invitation id, and follow the steps here: Determining the File Used to Import and Invitation.