You may have a need for knowing the percentage of invitations rejected by the import process due to the re-invitation rule. This rule specifies that end customers must not be invited to answer a survey again within a period of X days from the last invitation. Any invitation sent during this period will be rejected. This article explains how to get this information.
In order to have the data you need, you must create a support ticket, since it is not readily available in the ReponseTek portal. When you create the ticket, please specify the period that you want to be considered.
The support team will extract the information and send it to you.
This is the script you need to get the information required:
DECLARE @eid INT = 0
DECLARE @startDate DATE = '2020-11-01'
DECLARE @endDate DATE = '2020-11-02'
DECLARE @rejectedInvitations DECIMAL
SELECT @rejectedInvitations = SUM(recordsRejected) FROM vImportInvitationsResults(nolock)
WHERE eID = @eid
AND processStart BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
COUNT(e.ID) AS Error,
@rejectedInvitations AS RejectedInvitations,
FORMAT((COUNT(e.ID) / @rejectedInvitations),'P') AS Percentage
FROM tblFileImportErrorLog AS e
INNER JOIN vImportInvitationsResults AS imp ON e.fileimportid = imp.id
WHERE imp.eID = @eid
AND e.text = 'Business Rule: Re-invitation'
AND imp.processStart BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
Set the customer id and the period to extract the data the customer wants. It will generate a result like this: