When a single file to import has records for multiple collection points, the stats are saved per imported file, not discriminated per collection point.
This article provides a resolution if you want to gather detailed stats of each one of the imported files and per collection point.
Access to the ResponseTek portal with a user that has access to the File Import Results Supplementary Report.
- The data import numbers are gathered from the Supplementary Reports > File Import Results, and the response rate numbers are gathered from the dashboard for each collection. The issue is that, if you require the data import numbers for each separate collection, the report does not discriminate the records for each collection. Please see the following screenshots:
(Click on the images to enlarge.)
- Notice the highlighted file reports imported records for 3 collections (CSG, Manager, PAM).
- If we choose one of these collections, the reported numbers are the same for each of them, which is wrong, as the total number of records (which actually reflects the totals for all collections) should be distributed on the collections.
- As a result, you would end up counting the records the number of times the collections are present on the file (if you chose each collection in the File Import report), incorrectly growing the numbers.
Unfortunately, this cannot be fixed as it requires core changes in the backend.
Therefore, the solution to this is to split the files to import to contain only records for a single collection point. In this way the stats will correspond to a single collection point and tracking this over time will produce accurate numbers when choosing a specific collection point while running the report. General numbers will be accurate as well.
Splitting the file imports to have a separate file per collection point will allow having accurate import stats per collection point.