Article Original Creation Date: 2012-01-25
An error is received when updating from the 4.1.1 to the latest patch. During the upgrade process from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3, WebLogic shuts down for an unknown reason, and the log file had FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN as an error message.
While patching to 4.2.0, the database patch stopped after 30+ minutes because of the table SPRT_NC_CWMP_LAST_SESSION
is missing,
- Solaris 10
- Oracle 10
- Weblogic 9.2.3
- Apache-tomcat 5.5.25
Root Cause
The installation script caused the problem in automatic starting the WebLogic and patching database.
To resolve the issue mentioned previously, follow the steps listed below:
Manually stop the WebLogic to prevent startup problems with the installer script.
Navigate to folder /usr/local/sprt/sg-admin/ and update the file sprt_installer.dat by replacing
Execute the database upgrade part manually following the process listed below:
The scripts can are available in the <PATCH_DIR>/sql directory. Note that ServiceGateway uses runSQL utility and not SQLPlus.
Copy file ojdbc14.jar into <PATCH_DIR>.
Change the directory to <PATCH_DIR>.
Load the DDL (Data Definition Language) file:
/path/to/java –cp <PATCH_DIR>/ojdbc14.jar:<PATCH_DIR>/scripts runSQL oracle <DB_IP> <DB_PORT> <DB_ID> <DB_USER> <DB_PASS> <PATCH_DIR>/sql/OracleDBChangesFrom4.1.3.0_DDL.sql
Load the first DML (Data Manipulation Language) file:
/path/to/java –cp <PATCH_DIR>/ojdbc14.jar:<PATCH_DIR>/scripts runSQL oracle <DB_IP> <DB_PORT> <DB_ID> <DB_USER> <DB_PASS> <PATCH_DIR>/sql/OracleDBChangesFrom4.1.3.0_DML_1.sql
Load the second DML (Data Manipulation Language) file:
/path/to/java –cp <PATCH_DIR>/ojdbc14.jar:<PATCH_DIR>/scripts runSQL oracle <DB_IP> <DB_PORT> <DB_ID> <DB_USER> <DB_PASS> <PATCH_DIR>/sql/OracleDBChangesFrom4.1.3.0_DML_2.sql
Change directory to <PATCH_DIR>/sql.
Use the installer to update WebLogic part of the admin server.
Use the installer to update the WebLogic part of the managed server(s).
Reverse the change made in step 1 because the future upgrades, e.g., SG4.2.1 can use the automated installer process again.
Start WebLogic services.