we are receiving lots and lots of errors about a policy not found in encore.log:
2012-04-19 00:23:34,532 ERROR servicegateway.policy - class: com.supportsoft.servicegateway.policy.ejb.policyworkflowmanager.PolicyActionResponseMDB method: onMessage(): 10033 - Error receiving JMS Message: javax.ejb.FinderException: Policy device was not found
2012-04-19 00:23:34,540 ERROR servicegateway.policy - class: com.supportsoft.servicegateway.policy.ejb.policyworkflowmanager.PolicyActionResponseMDB method: onMessage(): 10033 - Error receiving JMS Message: javax.ejb.FinderException: Policy device was not found
Then, when the policy action completes normally after this time and post its result, the record is no longer in the SPRT_SG_POLICY_DEVICE table, causing the "Policy Device Not Found" errors.
The runAgedResultsCheck timer job would result in a "Policy device was
not found" error when attempting to mark stale actions as timed out if the
policy device record had already been removed from the database, resulting
in the stale records not being properly updated. This caused the
stale actions to be found again each time runAgedResultsCheck would run,
resulting in these errors each time it ran. This was due to
runAgedResultsCheck() mimicking the policy action by posting a "timeout"
result to a JMS queue. The runAgedResultsCheck() timer job has been updated
to now update the stale records directly, rather than mimicking a policy
action response.