Article Original Creation Date: 2012-03-06
There are situations when exchanging the TS-Wifi-ear_1.1.0.ear with TS-Wifi-ear_1.0.0.ear leads the apply-template workflow steps to take instead of seconds up to 10 minutes.
Cleaning the grown performance related DB tables and the 2 history tables restores performance speed again.
solaris 10
Oracle 10
JBoss 4.0.4GA
Root Cause
A new customized .ear file is deployed and in combination with power outages taking care of outbound connections with the mySQL server does not completely recover triggering performance degradation.
This type of problem is directly related to the new TS-Wifi-ear_1.1.0.ear file, it could be a JBoss deploy problem of the .ear file in combination with a clean JBoss startup.
To correct his issue the old ear file is un-deployed and the new ear file is deployed on a running JBoss cluster and after that Jboss is restarted, that approach solves the JBoss behavior.
Usually after two retries with negative performance results, it is recommended to clean JBoss deployment of the new .ear file.
Steps to take:
- Startup JBoss clean: clean means, stop front_ends and timers.
- Undeploy the ear files.
- Stop JBoss: Delete the /work, /data, /tmp directories from the /opt/apps/jboss-4.0.4/sg-managedx/ directory.
- Start JBoss: Deploy the ear files including the new version ear file.
- start timers and front_ends.