Article Original Creation Date: 2013-07-22
This article provides details on how to perform an RPC aggregation across configuration templates.
The objects we need to set simultaneously are:
RPC Aggregation across configuration templates
This enhancement introduces a new option to aggregate RPC calls across configuration templates, minimizing the number of RPC calls made to a device during configuration synchronization.
Previous to this change, only parameters within the same template could be combined into a single RPC, and only if they occurred consecutively, thus maintaining the order defined within the templates.
This new aggregation option, enabled on a per-template basis, will cause all CWMP Parameter configuration to be deferred until the last template with this option enabled has been executed.
The last template will be combined with the previously deferred templates, and RPC aggregation will take place across all templates. The order will be maintained with the exception of SetParameterValues calls, which will be further deferred until all other RPCs have been carried out, then executed last as one RPC call.
Note that this option will defer CWMP parameter configuration with the side-effect of configuration templates not being delivered in the explicit order defined within a service.
For example, if a service uses 3 templates to configure a device, the first and third being parameter based with this new option set, and the second being a file download, the file download will actually occur before any of the parameter sets, since the first parameter template is deferred and combined with the third. If this is not desirable behavior, do not use this new option to aggregate across templates in this scenario.