I’m trying to fix the strange behavior of some technicolor devices which do send an empty OUI tag in the deviceID, resulting in an exception:
2015-02-06 17:48:12,173 [] ERROR ACS - setCPE() RemoteException setting CPE [cpeGuid=null, manufacturer=Technicolor, OUI=null, productClass=Technicolor TG784n v3, serialNumber=CP1244RAZSP, specVersion=1.0, hardwareVersion=DANT-U, softwareVersion=10.5.2.G_FW_33_TG784nv3, provisioningCode=fastweb, connectionRequestURL=, dataModel=InternetGatewayDevice(0), externalIPAddress=0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0a61:387d, remoteAddr=, connectionRequestUsername=null, stunEnable=null, stunServerAddress=null, stunServerPort=null, stunUsername=null, udpConnectionRequestAddress=null, natDetected=null, encoreDeviceId=null, CPETimeout=0, macAddress=null, pppUsername=null, ACSUsername=null, ACSAuthOverride=null, ACSNonce=null, ACSAuthFailCount=null, ACSAuthProvFlag=null, connectionRequestReProvFlag=null, WorkflowState=null, lastContactTime=null]exception: java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: com.supportsoft.encore.common.exception.DAOException: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SPRT"."SPRT_NC_CPE"."NC_CPE_OUI")
I’m trying to replace the empty “
Since the replacement involves some characters that are significant in XML, I tried to escape them as suggested in the manual, but it is not working, maybe you already encountered this issue…
2015-02-06 15:43:17,589 [] INFO ACSSOAPXML - IP: null, CPE: null, SOAP message from device:
Solaris 10Oracle 10.2
Weblogic 10.3.5
A different search/replace pattern is needed.Solution
I resolved using these patterns:
I found that the content of the
inform in the catalina.out file is the final representation of what the ACS
understood; the OUI tag in the request sent by the CPE was
So I fixed both type of tags…
Now the catalina.out logifile
shows the replaced OUI tag as “