Article Original Creation Date: 2010-05-27
This issue is replicated by the customer's scenario below:
After installing ServiceGateway as a non-root user a user is not able to deploy any additional ear files without first restarting the WebLogic administration server process as the root user.
A summary of details provided by the user is as follows.
- Completed a ServiceGateway 4.0 installation as a non-root user.
- Initial installation ServiceGatey version
- Patched to ServiceGateway version
- All installations/patches performed using the ServiceGateway automated installer.
- Unable to deploy the ServiceGateway database migration tool ear in the environment.
- This ear, and in fact no ear, will deploy unless the WebLogic administration server process is restarted as the root user.
- The non-root user owns the BEA (/usr/local/bea) and SPRT (/usr/local/sprt) directories and everything beneath them.
- The installer and application log files contain no details related to the problem.
- The following messages are displayed in the WebLogic console when attempting to deploy the ear file manually (screenshot attached).
Unable to access the selected application
Exception in AppMerge flows' progression
- ServiceGateway
- Solaris 10
- Weblogic 9.2 MP1
- Oracle 10g
Root Cause
Incorrect ownership permission settings on the following files.
Correct the ownership permission issues on the noted files.
chown /var/tmp/appcgen_sprt-600-ServiceGatewayMigration4.
chown /var/tmp/appmergegen/sprt-600-ServiceGatewayMigration4.