Article Original Creation Date: 2011-02-03
The below error is logged in the Managed Server logs.
<1296627200743>com.supportsoft.encore.system.ejb.reportmanager.ReportManager_1ge1lc_HomeImpl@a59c12 threw exception: javax.ejb.EJBException: Generic Exception Could not find Report XSL [group: 1][type: E-Mail]; nested exception is: javax.ejb .FinderException: Could not find Report XSL [group: 1][type: E-Mail]javax.ejb.EJBException: Generic Exception Could not find Report XSL [group: 1]
The symptom of this would be that the scheduled reports will not be sent in emails if configured to do so.
Root Cause
There should be an XSL in the DB ( This will not be visible in the GUI from Reports > Style Sheets), called Email_HTML
and can be viewed in the DB table SPRT_EC_REPORT_XSL
For any reason, If this XSL is not present the above issue would be seen.
The XSL could be added manually in the DB by using the below query ( Please take a DB backup before performing this addition)
INSERT INTO SPRT_EC_REPORT_XSL (ID, EC_REPORT_XSL_GROUP_ID, TYPE, STANDARD, XSL, CREATED, CREATED_BY, MODIFIED, MODIFIED_BY) VALUES (2, 1, 2, 'Y', ?, sprt_ec_util.getUTCDate(), 'system', sprt_ec_util.getUTCDate(), 'system')
The content of the XSL (the ? in the query) is in the attached file: emailhtml.xsl