This article describes the steps to creating an automated report that captures incoming Application AOMT traffic statistics daily.
This can be achieved via STV Export Tool by following the steps below:
- In the MGR GUI, go to Statistics -> Settings -> Export Streams and click "Add new".
- Input Name and select "Application AOMT Traffic" under Polling Group as shown on the image below.
- Click "Save"
You can monitor the status of exports from the MGR GUI under:
- Statistics -> Settings -> Export Streams (will indicate the report operational status)
- Statistics -> Settings -> Export Status (will indicate the job status, last and next update)
MGR GUI allows to configure the report, however, you will need to set up a cron job at the STV node (acting as the local server) to automatically run the stv_export process. For example, the following cron job entry will run stv_export every 5 minutes:
*/5 * * * * su - textpass -c "stv_export" >/dev/null 2>&1
You can check syslog for the report execution using: tail -f /var/log/STV/stv_export
When the export tool executes, it checks all configuration files in the configured directory. This setting is configured /usr/TextPass/etc/STV/stv_export.cfg using:
- pid_dir = /var/TextPass/STV/pid
- report_cfg_dir = /var/TextPass/MGR/stv_export/config
- report_output_dir = /var/TextPass/MGR/stv_export/reports
- report_tmp_dir = /var/TextPass/MGR/stv_export/tmp
As per above definitions, the available reports will be written under /var/TextPass/MGR/stv_export/reports/AOMT/
You can refer to STV Operator Manual - Chapter 5 for more information on using the STV Export Tool.