You get delivery result tcapAborted when multiple SMSes are sent from the same Sender ID ('AIC' in the example image below) for the same MSISDN, thereby leading to a high failure rate of SMS messages.
At SMSFW, you can see a high number of 'tcapAborted' errors:
You would like to know if there are any workarounds to avoid these errors, such as not rotating the virtual IMSIs on every SRI request (returning the same IMSI) or recognizing the multiple IMSIs that you returned for all SRI requests for a longer period.
It appears that Sender ID ('AIC' in the example above) is using some routing info caching to re-use the same IMSI if a message is sent to the same recipient in a short interval.
Unfortunately, from the FWL side the same scrambled IMSI cannot be used on every SRI request to the same recipient as this would weaken MT anti-spoofing capability. However, you can extend the validity of the correlation IMSI record for a longer period by adjusting the following FWL property controls the validity time of the scrambled IMSI (correlation record):
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Maximum time span allowed between an SendRoutingInfoForSm operation and a MtForwardSm operation. Expressed in number of seconds. Default is 60."
::= { fwProperties 21 }
To resolve this, please follow these steps:
- Open your local MGR semi-static configuration file (common_config.txt or 'hostname'_config.txt file, in case you have alternative/additional MGR servers), found at '/usr/TextPass/etc'.
- Find the firewallmaxintervalbetweensrismandmtfwdsm parameter and set it to 120 seconds, modifying it as follows:
The ranges for generating IMSIs must be large enough to supply sufficient IMSIs under high load conditions. If more IMSIs cannot be generated, the SRI-SM request is rejected with a temporary error. A guideline for calculating the appropriate size of an IMSI generation range is:
throughput * max_interval_between_srism_and_mt * 2.2 / number_of_rtr_nodes
- throughput: the expected number of MT messages that are supposed to be Home-Routed using this IMSI generation range under peak traffic load, in SMs per second.
- max_interval_between_srism_and_mt: value of the semi-static configuration attribute firewallmaxintervalbetweensrismandmtfwdsm, which defaults to 60 seconds.
• number_of_rtr_nodes is the number of RTR nodes that perform the same task (that is, that share the message load as identified by (throughput)
For example, if a certain IMSI generation range is supposed to support a throughput of 1000 SM/s and four RTR nodes are deployed to share that load, the IMSI generation range should contain at least 33,000 IMSIs.
The updated version of both files can be downloaded from the Newnet download center.