This article aims to solve the issue of SMSC not sending Delivery Receipt for AO-MT messages when there is a mismatch of Message ID in submit_sm_resp and Delivery Report.
The mismatch is a result of Message ID in Delivery Report being picked up from a different format in message bytes. Application picks the Decimal value of the Message ID from Message Bytes, instead the application should pick the Hex Message ID from Optional Parameters. The format of message ID is controlled by a semi-static parameter "hubsmppv34notificationtextformat" in Lithium. This parameter needs to be changed in config files as per requirement. In this case it should be set to hex. Please follow the below steps to fix this:
- Add the parameter hubsmppv34notificationtextformat="hex", as textpass user (make changes in MGR node) in the following files:
- /usr/TextPass/etc/common_config.txt,
- /usr/TextPass/etc/common_config_AGW.txt
Please refer to this KBA for more details on the process of changing Message ID in config files - https://support.skyvera.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012178979-Changing-the-Message-ID-Format-in-the-SMPP-Delivery-Notifications
2. Give service restart on all nodes one by one (restart not required in MGR node)