The interconnection CDR count is not matching between operators. The revenue assurance area may have noticed a difference in CDRs count between what is collected and what is reported as daily traffic in the Statistics platform. This is specially controlled for applications that generate traffic to/from other operators.
Commands used:
- To count the regular SMS traffic:
cd /data/CDR_Main/transferred/ ls -1tra |grep -E "bills.'hostname'.202103(05\.23|06|07\.00)" |xargs -l zcat |perl -F\\x{09} -lane'print substr $F[14],0,8 if(($F[10]=~/SMPP\.123:/) and ($F[24] eq "I"))' |sort|uniq -c > /tmp/'hostname'.20210306.rpt
- To count the CDRs generated by the rule that discards SMS as SPAM:
cd /var/TextPass/AutoBLST/billing/ ls -1tra |grep -E "AutoBLST.'hostname'.*.202103(05\.23|06|07\.00)" |xargs -l cat |perl -F\\x{09} -lane'print substr $F[14],0,8 if(($F[10]=~/SMPP\.123:/) and ($F[24] eq "I"))' |sort|uniq -c > /tmp/'hostname'.20210306-spam.rpt
In the GUI (Main / Statistics / Outside Traffic / Application AO / [application name]), there are a lot fewer messages than returned by the queries.
The CDRs are used to bill the SMS to the other operator so any difference is a cause of concern as it represents a loss of income.
The issue is caused by messages blocked by the FAF. Such cases do not generate CDRs. The solution is to create separate statistics for FAF blocked messages for each interconnection so that these numbers could be deducted from the current statistics taken for each operator, before comparing them to the CDR count.
Please follow these steps:
- Login to the SMSC GUI and access /SMS Applications/Categories.
- Add a new category called “Interconnection” and activate it.
- Access /SMS Applications/Applications:
- Select the application.
- On the “Category” field, uncheck 'generic' and check the newly created 'Interconnection' category.
- Save the application.
- Repeat steps b and c for other applications, if needed.
- Go to /Routing/EC Rules/AOX.
- Right-click on the "AOX-FAF" rule and click "Copy", so that a new rule gets created based on this existing one.
- Name the new rule.
- Unset field 'Application Category' by selecting 'None'.
- Set field 'Application' to the application (the same as step 2a).
- Leave all other fields as they are.
- Save the rule (do not activate it yet).
- Repeat steps 3a to 3f for other applications if needed.
- Access /Advanced Filters/Lists.
- Click the list with AOX-FAF.
- Add to the list the names of the AOX rules created above.
- Save the list.
- Move back to /Routing/EC Rules/AOX.
- Deactivate the "AOX-FAF" rule.
- Click the "AOX-FAF" rule.
- On the "Application Category" field, click on the checkbox of the newly created "Interconnection" category, leaving both "Interconnection" and the application checkboxes checked.
- Save the rule and re-activate it.
- Activate the rules.
They can retrieve the number of messages blocked by the FAF from each interconnection separately on /Statistics/Rules/External Rules/AO. The column 'Submit Blocked' tells the number of blocked messages and the different lines separate the different operators.