On Friday, March 26 at 02:00 the local time jumps one hour ahead to 03:00 and the system clock is updated accordingly.
You would then expect not to have any billing records in which the SUBMITDATE
value is within this time range since you are jumping from 02:00 to 03:00 but your CDRs show you do have such billing records in this invalid range.
This issue can be related to a particular server where the Daylight saving time (DST) change was not executed similar to the other servers, i.e. from 2 am to 3 am, or some NTP synchronization issue.
The recommendation is to first rule out any NTP irregularities by checking and comparing the timezone setting in all servers as well as the current time and NTP synchronization using the following commands:
timedatectl status
ntpq -p
If any irregularities are found, correct all the NTP sources and ensure that all the servers are synchronized.
Refer to Are the Servers Prepared for the Start of Daylight Saving Time? for information on how to check if the servers are ready to automatically change their time in accordance with the DST changes.