For this schema, you have one LGP server for each two RTR servers that receive, process, and deliver different networks' traffic. The idea of this schema is to balance the logging charge of eight different servers into four LGP servers (you can use any number of servers, we used eight for this example only), so we can avoid bottlenecks while logging events.
(we did not add the backup servers in the picture for those LGP servers for simplicity, but replication can be implemented too for each LGP instance)
To implement this Load Balanced topology, complete the following steps:
- SSH into the first LGP server (in this case, it should be LGP 01)
- Change to TextPass user
sudo su - textpass
- And go to
: - Make a backup of the
In this exercise, we will call this hostvlielandvm1
cp vlielandvm1_config.txt vlielandvm1_config.txt.backup1
If you are using a graphic tool like WinSCP you will see that a new file with the backup1 appendix will be created (after refreshing the view): - Edit the original
file, removing the devices that LGP 01 should not collect log records from. For example, if we look at the topology picture, we shall remove the lines corresponding to RTR 03 until RTR 08.
To remove an RTR device from this file, look for this pattern of lines and delete them:
user="textpass" password="TextPass"
/> - Validate if there are no errors or typos in the new config file (no output expected for the command below):
tp_config --validateonly
- Restart the LGP process:
Now the LGP server should be able to log the RTR instances only from the RTR 01 and RTR 02 instances.